Sharing Berlin
Last week we attended part of the 5th OuiShare Summit in Berlin, a congregation of collaborative economies enthusiasts and advocates. Amongst those presenting their own (very real) approaches to a post-monetary world in this most resourceful and ‘creative’ of European cities, we found Velogistics – a cargo bike share system or postfossilmobil where you can borrow a pedal-powered transportation vehicle from someone in your neighbourhood; Leila – a free shop and borrowing-centre for all sorts of useful objects here in Berlin; Lebensmittel Retten – a food waste rescue & distribution operation; and curiously, an open source beehive project.. Open Source Beehives – a collaborative initiative setting up standardised plywood beehives across different parts of the world, equipped with data sensors to monitor the health and behaviour of the bees they house, with a view towards helping scientists studying the various threats faced by today’s bee populations.
18. June 2014 by Tessa
Categories: Research notes |
Tags: beehives, bees, open source, share economies, sharing |
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